
Test Details Use Magnesium deficiency produces neuromuscular disorders. It may cause weakness, tremors, tetany, and convulsions. Hypomagnesemia is associated with hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, long-term hyperalimentation, intravenous therapy, diabetes mellitus, especially during treatment of ketoacidosis;

Lipid Panel Cholesterol with LDL/HDL Ratio

Test Details Test Includes Cholesterol, LDL:HDL ratio; lipid panel Use Abbreviations used are as follows: HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; VLDL-C, very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Evaluation of hyperlipidemia as an index to coronary

Lipase Serum

Test Details Use Diagnose pancreatitis, more specific for pancreatitis than is serum amylase; diagnose peritonitis, strangulated or infarcted bowel, pancreatic cyst. Additional Information Serum lipase is usually normal in patients with elevated serum amylase, without pancreatitis, who have peptic

Lead Maternal Blood

Test Details Use Monitor exposure to lead. Additional Information Hematologic consequences ascribed to lead toxicity may be basophilic stippling, mild anemia, and reticulocytosis. Other characteristics of toxicity may include increased urine δ-aminolevulinic acid, increased erythrocyte protoporphyrins,

Lead Blood Pediatric

Test Details Synonyms Pb, Blood Use Monitor environmental lead exposure in children younger than 16 years.  

Lead Blood Adult

Test Details Use Monitor maternal blood for environmental lead exposure. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following testing schedule for frequency of maternal blood lead follow-up during pregnancy.1 See table.

Iron Serum

Test Details Use Aid in the evaluation of a number of conditions involving red cell production and destruction, iron metabolism, or iron transport.


Test Details Synonyms Immunoreactive Insulin. Additional Information Insulin is a peptide hormone with a molecular weight of approximately 6000 daltons. Serum insulin determinations may be performed on patients with symptoms of hypoglycemia4,5 where insulinoma is a possible etiology. Patterns of

Herpes Simplex Virus Types (HSV) 1 & 2 Antibodies IgG

Test Details Synonyms Herpesvirus Hominis Types 1 and 2, IgM HSV Type 1 and Type 2, IgM Use IgM levels can provide useful information about an acute event.

Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Qualitative

Test Details Synonyms Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Use Presence of anti−HBs is an indicator of clinical recovery and subsequent immunity to hepatitis B virus. This test is useful for evaluation of possible immunity in individuals who are at increased risks for exposure to the hepatitis

Hepatitis Panel ( 4 )

Test Details Synonyms Acute Hepatitis Panel Test Includes Hepatitis A antibody, IgM; hepatitis B core antibody, IgM; hepatitis B surface antigen; hepatitis C virus antibody. Use Comprehensive profile for detecting markers for HAV or HBV infections; can be used for all stages of infection

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody

Test Details Use Assess exposure to hepatitis C virus infection; test blood safety. Additional Information Following the development of sensitive and specific testing for hepatitis B, 90% of post-transfusion hepatitis is now hepatitis C. A gene product (c100) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) was isolated
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