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Androstenedione LCMS
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
ABO Grouping and Rho(D) Typing
Test Details
Blood Grouping and Rh Typing
Blood Type
Group and Type
Type and Rh
Test Includes
ABO blood grouping and Rh typing
Determination of ABO blood group and Rh type for transfusion candidates. Group and typing of expectant mothers and newborns may indicate potential
Aerobic Bacterial Culture
Test Details
Culture, Bacterial, General, Aerobic
Routine Culture, Abscess
Test Includes
Isolation and identification (additional CPT codes) of potential aerobic pathogens and drug susceptibility tests (additional charge). Gram stain (additional test) is recommended
Aerobic Culture Extended Incubation
Test Details
Culture, Bacterial, General, Aerobic
Routine Culture, Abscess
Test Includes
Isolation and identification (additional CPT codes) of potential aerobic pathogens and drug susceptibility tests (additional charge). Gram stain (additional test) is recommended
Alanine Aminotransferase ( ALT / SGPT )
Test Details
Glutamic Pyruvate Transaminase
A liver function test, ALT is more sensitive for the detection of hepatocyte injury than for biliary obstruction. ALT is more specific for liver injury than AST (SGOT). Useful for hepatic cirrhosis, other liver disease
Albumin Creatinine Ratio Urine
Test Details
Albumin:Creatinine Ratio, Random Urine
Test Includes
Albumin, random urine; creatinine; albumin:creatinine ratio
Measurement of albumin levels in urine below the detection level of urine dipsticks. This test is useful in the management of patients with relatively
Albumin, Serum
Test Details
Evaluation of nutritional status, blood oncotic pressure; evaluation of renal disease with proteinuria and other chronic diseases.
High albumin may indicate dehydration. Look for increase in hemoglobin, hematocrit in such patients.
Low albumin is found with use of I.V. fluids, rapid
Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum
Test Details
Causes of high alkaline phosphatase include bone growth, healing fracture, acromegaly, osteogenic sarcoma, liver or bone metastases, leukemia, myelofibrosis, and rarely myeloma. Alkaline phosphatase is used as a tumor marker.3,4
In rickets and osteomalacia, serum calcium and phosphorus
Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP), Serum, Tumor Marker
Test Details
AFP, Serum
Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP), Serum, Tumor Marker
The most important application of AFP testing in cancer management is for testicular cancer. Although not present in pure seminoma,1 elevated serum AFP is closely associated with nonseminomatous testicular cancer
Amylase, Serum
Test Details
Work-up for abdominal pain, epigastric tenderness, nausea, and vomiting. Such findings characterize acute pancreatitis as well as acute surgical emergencies such as gastrointestinal perforation (eg, peptic ulcer with perforation) or bowel infarct. Amylase is used in the differential
Anaerobic and Aerobic Culture
Test Details
Anaerobic Culture, Abscess
Anaerobic Culture, Body Fluid
Anaerobic Culture, Wound
Culture, Anaerobic
Wound Anaerobic Culture
Test Includes
Isolation and identification (additional CPT coding of 87076, 87077, 87143, or other code depending on methods required) of potential
Anaerobic Culture
Test Details
Anaerobic Culture, Abscess
Anaerobic Culture, Body Fluid
Anaerobic Culture, Wound
Culture, Anaerobic
Wound Anaerobic Culture
Test Includes
Susceptibility testing available upon request if culture results warrant (additional charges/CPT code[s] may apply). CPT coding for